
五十年前, the greater Boston area, an urban hub famous for its history, built some of the most dramatic modernist buildings in the country. More than any other city, Boston responded to the economic stagnation of the time by completely changing its design perspective. 木匠中心, 皮博迪露台, 保诚大厦, the BU Law School tower, D/R大楼, 波士顿市政厅, and Holyoke Center were all built within a decade and stand within five miles of each other. 同时, the area was in the midst of a huge population shift with Boston and Cambridge losing a third of their inhabitants between 1950 and 1980. With the help of an influx of designers fleeing Europe or drawn by the universities, the Boston area made the choice to imagine a better city. This series explores the optimism of the modernist movement, the excitement behind it, and what it means today to a city that has largely forgotten the economic plight and the response to it.


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Often problematically labeled as “Brutalist” architecture, the concrete buildings that transformed Boston during 1960s and 1970s were conceived with progressive-minded intentions by some of the…

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While the Boston region was home to a number of large modernist projects, it was also an area that brought the zeitgeist of the movement to stores and museums. Kitchen utensils, fabrics, and…

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The arrival of Edward Logue as the head of the Boston Redevelopment Authority ushered in a new generation of buildings in Boston. Both the politics and the design of this period could be described…

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今天, the optimism of the movement is often forgotten and many of the buildings suffer from years of poor maintenance and are facing insensitive renovation or demolition. 拥有……