1903-1984; bulk: 1930-1947

Guide to the Collection

Restrictions on Access

The Alice Gilbert Smith Bourgoin的论文 are stored offsite and must be requested at least two 提前一个工作日通过 Portal1791. 研究人员需要6件以上的非现场储存物品 提供额外的提前通知. 如果你对申请材料有疑问 校外寄存请og体育官网咨询台617-646-0532或

Collection Summary


这个收藏品包括…的信件和私人文件 Alice Gilbert Smith Bourgoin, J. 马萨诸塞州塞勒姆的福斯特·史密斯和约瑟芬·史密斯. These papers primarily document her European travels following her graduation from Smith College (1919-1920), her marriage to Jean Lucien Bourgoin (1932-1950), her years in French Indochina, 现在的越南(1932-1941),以及这对夫妇在二战期间的经历.

Biographical Sketches

爱丽丝·吉尔伯特·史密斯·布尔戈因(1897-1984) was born in Salem, Massachusetts on 19 January 1897, the third child and youngest daughter of John Josiah Foster 史密斯和约瑟芬·蒂灵哈斯特(查德威克)·史密斯. 童年时,她就读于豪小姐的学校 以及塞勒姆公立学校. 她作为1918届的一员进入史密斯学院 graduated with the class of 1919 following a year's absence due to the death of her sister, Helen St. 克莱尔·史密斯(1894-1916),患霍奇金淋巴瘤. 大学毕业后,爱丽丝 曾与她哥哥的朋友威廉(比尔)卢米斯(William Bill Loomis)短暂订婚. In November 1919, after the Armistice ending World War I, Alice joined her brother Philip Horton Smith (1890-1960) and 他在欧洲一直待到1920年10月.

In March 1931, Alice met 让·吕西安·布尔戈(1897-1977) on a brief visit he made to her family in Salem. 爱丽丝被吉恩的家人邀请去拜访他们在佛罗里达的家 圣塞尔万,布列塔尼,法国. 两人于1932年1月宣布订婚,并在一起 1932年12月21日在菲律宾马尼拉结婚. 这对夫妇先在河内定居,然后是顺化, 让被法国殖民政府雇佣的地方. 这对夫妇没有孩子.

在20世纪30年代,爱丽丝有时和她的父母或丈夫在一起,有时 alone--traveled extensively, spending time in China, France, Hong Kong, Japan, London, Mexico, and the United States. 1941年3月,由于母亲每况愈下的健康状况,她回到了塞勒姆 并在战争期间一直留在美国. 让为法国政府服务 in Vietnam, was imprisoned by the Japanese and escaped, and was eventually posted to North 1944年,爱丽丝试图在非洲与他团聚,但没有成功. She returned to the United States, and the two maintained a tense correspondence until their divorce on 19 August 1950. Alice never remarried.

Following her return to the United States in 1941, Alice lived in a series of residences in 马萨诸塞州和新罕布什尔州. 她继续与朋友和家人通信 about her experience in French Indochina, and participated in local organizations such as the 伊普斯维奇花园协会和五月花后裔协会. She died in her home in 1984年6月4日,新罕布什尔州霍普金顿.

让·吕西安·布尔戈(1897-1977) 出生在塔希提岛(当时的法国 Polynesia). 像他的父亲阿德里安·布尔戈因一样,让接受了工程师培训,并在 French government. 1931年遇见爱丽丝·吉尔伯特·史密斯后不久,他被派往法国 Indo-China as an Ingenieur en Chef des Travaux Publiques overseeing public infrastructure 铁路、隧道和水坝等项目. 1936年,他被授予骑士勋章 d'Honneur for completion of a railway line between French Indo-China and China. Jean was dismissed from his post in 1940 for his support of Charles de Gaulle and placed under house 被逮捕,然后作为日本间谍被中国囚禁. 琼逃走后,也加入了 在阿尔及尔的自由法国军队,最终获得中校军衔. In 1945, he returned to French Indo-China as a federal commissioner, where he served until the First Indochina War (1945-1954) brought an end to the French colonial rule in Vietnam. Following his 1950年与Alice离婚后,Jean再婚,生了一个儿子stastimane(1953-)。. Jean died in France in 1977.

Collection Description

The Alice Gilbert Smith Bourgoin的论文 consist of five record cartons that date from 1903 to 1984年,大部分材料可以追溯到1930年到1947年. 这个系列分为四个部分 series: Correspondence; Personal papers; Writings; and Volumes. 收藏的大部分 is correspondence. The collection documents Alice's youth and schooling; her travels in the United States, Europe, and Asia; her marriage and divorce; the experiences of both Alice and her husband Jean Bourgoin during World War II; and Alice's social activities and friendships.

The correspondence between Alice and her parents (1903-1941), and Alice and her husband Jean (1931-1950),尤其富有. 爱丽丝和她父母之间的通信开始于 从幼儿时期的几个字母开始,一直持续到J. Foster Smith's death in 1936 and Josephine T. C. Smith's death in 1941. 爱丽丝写给父母的信记录了她的情况 在史密斯学院学习和社会活动期间(1914-1919),她在欧洲旅行 (1919-1932), and life in Hanoi and Hue, French Indochina, following her marriage (1932-1941). Financial and legal documents, as well as print brochures and maps, also provide insight into 这对夫妇的生活和旅行. 爱丽丝断断续续地记录家庭账目和日记 提供她在这一时期生活的更多细节和背景. When in Hanoi and Hue, Alice struggled to acclimate to both married life and her role as the wife of a colonial official. 她的信中描述了她的慢性疾病,她将其归咎于当地人 气候——以及她的孤独感和思乡之情. 她描述了她的活动管理 家庭,与仆人的互动,以及园艺. 她还写到了吉恩的频繁 work-related travel. 她对法国的风俗和文化进行了批判性的报道 cultures and peoples she encountered while living in Indochina and traveling throughout Asia. A few narrative pieces by both Alice and Jean, about their experiences in Indochina, may be found in Writings. In the latter years of Alice's residency in Indochina, as war broke out in Europe and Asia, she increasingly includes references to the international political and military situation.

Regular letters from J. 福斯特(1860-1936)和约瑟芬·史密斯(1866-1941)对爱丽丝的描述 family activities, social and business matters, and the couple's travels in Europe and Asia. Letters from Jean to Alice, written in both French and English, report on his work and travels in Indochina and during the war, including descriptions of his wartime activities and requests for money. 从1941年到1945年的信件和其他文件记录了爱丽丝寄钱的努力 to her husband in French North Africa, as well as the couple's negotiations around whether or 爱丽丝应该和琼一起去北非. 爱丽丝确实在1944年短暂地去过阿尔及尔,但是 他没有见到珍就回到了美国. 爱丽丝朋友们的零散信件 熟人包括讨论个人和家庭生活、艺术和政治. A much smaller volume of material from the 1950s-1990s capture some details of Alice's latter life, 她在1950年与吉恩离婚后,失去了家庭关系和友谊.

研究人员在寻找与性别、性取向和家庭有关的材料时会发现 Alice's extensive correspondence detailing her marital unhappiness to be of particular interest. Letters indicate that Alice was deeply ambivalent about her marriage, pregnancy, and motherhood, 没有孩子是这对夫妇关系持续紧张的根源. During the early years of her marriage, Alice was candid with her father, particularly, about her belief that the 婚姻是一个错误. 按家族对收藏中若干文件的注释 historian Philip Chadwick Foster Smith, Alice's nephew, indicate that in March 1934, while in 伦敦,爱丽丝可能堕胎了. 爱丽丝和珍之间的信件往来 separation in 1941 and their divorce in 1950 document Alice's deep ambivalence about whether she wished to reunite with Jean, and on what terms, as well as her repeated attempts to discover 对于他们战后的关系,他的愿望og体育平台.

Acquisition Information


Restrictions on Access

The Alice Gilbert Smith Bourgoin的论文 are stored offsite and must be requested at least two 提前一个工作日通过 Portal1791. 研究人员需要6件以上的非现场储存物品 提供额外的提前通知. 如果你对申请材料有疑问 校外寄存请og体育官网咨询台617-646-0532或


I. Correspondence, 1903-1977


这个系列包含了Alice S. 还有她的家人和朋友. The bulk of the correspondence is between Alice and her parents, and between Alice and her husband 在他们频繁的分离期间. 有些信件是用法语写的. Additional correspondents include Philip Horton Smith and his wife Elinor; playwright Elmer Rice; Lt. Gordon Kaemmerling, a Harvard classmate of Alice's brother Philip who died in France (6 June 1918); Jacqueline Marchal (Jean Bourgoin's sister); a friend, Mrs. A. F. de Ledesma, living in London; and newsletters from George and Harriet Irwin, missionaries working in South Vietnam (1960s). 一封F写给爱丽丝的信的复印件. 斯科特·菲茨杰拉德暂定约会对象 并于1929年5月22日提交.

主题包括爱丽丝的旅行,社会访问,家庭活动,家庭新闻,生活在 Hanoi and Hue, Alice's ambivalence about her marriage, events leading up to and during World 第二次世界大战,爱丽丝和珍的离婚,还有最后几十年散落的信件 Alice's life. 由于电报易碎,呈酸性,所以一直保存在 纸质附件,并在每个日历年开始时归档.

Carton 1SH 1A3V
Correspondence, 1903-1932
Carton 2SH 1A3W
Correspondence, 1933-1936
Carton 3SH 1A3X
Correspondence, 1937-1940
Carton 4SH 1A3YFolders 1-52
Correspondence, 1941-1977

II. Personal papers, 1916-1984


这个系列包含了爱丽丝和让·布尔戈因的个人文件. Travel and financial paperwork document the couple's life in French Indochina, as well as their frequent 20世纪30年代和40年代初的国际旅行. 印刷材料包括地图和 brochures. 爱丽丝生命最后几十年的一些文件中有她的事迹 properties in 马萨诸塞州和新罕布什尔州 and membership documents for the Society of Mayflower Descendents. 这个系列还包括爱丽丝的讣告和吊唁信 her death in June 1984. 20世纪20年代的护照文件可能会被发现 with other loose papers; passport booklets from 1927-1964 are filed in Miscellaneous Volumes.

Carton 4SH 1A3YFolders 53-57
Personal papers, 1916-1932
Carton 5SH 1A3ZFolders 1-15
Personal papers, 1933-1984

III. Writings, n.d.

This series contains drafts of writings by Alice and Jean, primarily narrative descriptions of their life and travels while living in French Indochina. 爱丽丝的作品是私人的, 也许是虚构的,og体育平台河内家庭生活的文章,至少其中一些是她写的 提交出版. Jean的作品中有一段对参观锡矿的描述 China and a narrative account of his escape from China during the war, written in a mix of 法语和英语,包括手绘地图.

Carton 5SH 1A3ZFolders 16-18
爱丽丝·史密斯·布尔戈因的著作 n.d.
Carton 5SH 1A3ZFolder 19
Jean Bourgoin的著作, n.d.

IV. Volumes, 1919-1964

This series contains bound volumes including a Smith College yearbook, travel diaries, and household records. 1919年至1920年的日记描述了爱丽丝和她哥哥在法国的时光 Philip Horton Smith. 她1929年的日记描述了她和一个朋友去西班牙和摩洛哥的旅行, Polly Thayer, and her diary from 1939 describes a trip by car through the United States and Mexico with Jean. 一份电报小册子里有爱丽丝在一九八四年所发电报的复写副本 1943-1944 documenting her attempts to send Jean money and her efforts to rejoin her husband in North Africa.

A. Diaries, 1919-1939


Folder 20Carton 5SH 1A3Z
Travel diary, 1919年11月14日—1920年4月2日
Folder 21Carton 5SH 1A3Z
Travel diary, 3 April-6 November 1920
Folder 22Carton 5SH 1A3Z
Travel diary, 2 March-25 July 1929
Folder 23Carton 5SH 1A3Z
Travel diary, 8 March-12 May 1939

B. Miscellaneous volumes, 1919-1964


Folder 24Carton 5SH 1A3Z
Smith College yearbook, 1919
Folder 25Carton 5SH 1A3Z
Passports, 1927-1964
Folder 26Carton 5SH 1A3Z
Notebook, ca. 1930s
Folder 27Carton 5SH 1A3Z
Kitchen record books, 1933
Folder 28Carton 5SH 1A3Z
通信记录; 1934-1940
Folder 29Carton 5SH 1A3Z
日程簿[约会日历]; 21 September-26 October 1939
Folder 30Carton 5SH 1A3Z
Motor trips, n.d. (after 1935)
Folder 31Carton 5SH 1A3Z
日程簿[约会日历]; 1942
Folder 32Carton 5SH 1A3Z
电报小册子、复本、 1943-1944
Folder 33Carton 5SH 1A3Z
通讯簿(2册); n.d.
Folder 34Carton 5SH 1A3Z
住宅库存,亚吉拉路. (Ipswich, Mass.), n.d.

Preferred Citation

Alice Gilbert Smith Bourgoin的论文,马萨诸塞历史学会.

Access Terms

这个og体育官网在下列标题下进行索引 ABIGAIL的在线目录 马萨诸塞州历史学会. 研究人员需要有关相关人员的资料; 组织或主题应该使用这些标题搜索目录.


Alice Gilbert Smith, Bourgoin, 1897-1984.
Rice, Elmer, 1892-1967.
Smith family.
Smith, J. 福斯特(约翰·乔赛亚·福斯特)(1860-1936.


Smith College--Students.


Indochina--Description and travel.
Indochina--Social life and customs.
Prisoners of war.
Sexual attraction.
Women's diaries.
Women travelers--Diaries.
World War, 1939-1945--Indochina.

